Saturday, January 11, 2014

A little about me and the site...

You can call me Snuke. I'm a 30-something Pittsburgh native who still resides in the Steel City, and is damn proud of it. I eat too much, drink too much, and definitely gamble too much, but luckily, I have a very forgiving wife who puts up with my occasional lack of good judgement. I spend way too much time trolling the web, watching cartoons, and playing fantasy sports, but I feel like it's made me the well rounded yinzer I am today. And I own an awesome pit bull named Kali, who will be serving as the mascot for our band of misfits here.

So what to expect from the site? Well, there will be a lot of sports, mostly because I'm a red-blooded Pittsburgh male, which means sports run my life (along with my wife - it's a constant battle.)  There will also be a bunch of other random stuff, including, but obviously not limited to good places to eat in Pittsburgh (my wife is a foodie, I'm mostly along for the ride), funny and/or stupid stuff from the web, booze (wine, beer and liquor - I don't discriminate) and maybe the occasional TV/movie/game review.

I'm hoping to make daily posts, but as you all know, life gets in the way sometimes.  But check back when ya can, and feel free to follow me on Twitter @BigSnuke, and shoot me any thoughts or comments you have about the site.

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